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Total 19
°øÁö 1MIL USD Contract with Erdemir in Turkey to supply of Coolin¡¦ 04-16 16264
19 Contract with Aspour company in Egypt for the supply of Tabu¡¦ 04-16 12475
18 Contract with Isdemir in Turkey for the supply of Tuyere in ¡¦ 04-16 12785
17 Contract with Erdemir in Turkey for the supply of Tuyere 04-16 12944
16 1MIL USD Contract with Erdemir in Turkey to supply of Coolin¡¦ 04-16 16264
15 Contract with PT. GORDA PRIMA STEELWORKS for 34 Set of Ladle¡¦ 11-20 19964
14 Contract with POSO for 10,000MT of White Fused Magnesia 11-19 18954
13 Contract with POSCO for 3,000MT of Tundish Coating Material 07-07 20180
12 Contract wirh POSCO for 13,000MT of White Fused Magnesite 07-07 19971
11 Contract with POSCO for High Concentrate Chrome Ore 07-07 18000
10 Contract with PT. Master Steel in Indonesia for the supply o¡¦ 05-09 18091
9 Contract for Supply of Liquid Waste Combustion System in Inc¡¦ 04-29 17311
8 Contract of High Concentrate Chrome Ore with POSCO Chemtech 09-17 17773
7 Sekyung Made Contract 2500MT alumina cement 04-29 17757
6 1 Year Contract with EIS, Egypt for Alumina Cement!! 04-09 19182
5 1 Million Dollar Alumina Cement Contract with ACR, Egypt!@ 04-09 19277
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